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Performs parsimonious FBA as describe by Lewis et al. 2010.


pfba(model, costcoeffw = NULL, costcoefbw = NULL)



Model of class ModelOrg

costcoeffw, costcoefbw

A numeric vector containing cost coefficients for all variables/reactions (forward direction: 'costcoeffw'; backward direction: 'costcoefbw'). If set to NULL, all cost coefficients are set to 1, so that all variables have the same impact on the objective function.


Returned reduced costs ('redCosts') correspond to the optimization of the initial linear program (LP), which is basically the initial FBA to calculate the optimal value of the objective function that is defined in 'model'.


N. E. Lewis et al., “Omic data from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from genome‐scale models,” Molecular Systems Biology, vol. 6, no. 1. EMBO, Jan. 2010. doi: 10.1038/msb.2010.47.

See also


Other Flux prediction algorithms: fba(), fva(), pfbaHeuristic()